Warrnambool Symphony Orchestra
The WARRNAMBOOL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Inc. was formed in 1987 and was incorporated on 4th August 1988 at the instigation of Mrs. Robin Wright, a prominent musician and piano teacher, on her return to her native home, Warrnambool. The orchestra has been in continuous operation ever since.
The orchestra consists of mostly amateur musicians including secondary students, adult players and music graduate teachers. Players are expected to become members of the orchestra by payment of a modest subscription. There is no audition requirement.. Other sources of income are box office receipts from concerts, grants, donations and sponsorships.
The orchestra is an incorporated, not-for-profit association governed by a representative committee elected at the Annual General Meeting. The conductor is a member of the committee ex-officio. The committee meets monthly and deals with such issues as programming, choice of repertoire, dates, venues, publicity, pricing, social functions and administration
The orchestra rehearses between 7.30 and 9.30p.m. on Monday evenings, except for school and public holidays, at TOAD Hall on the corner of Princess St and Manifold St.
The orchestra also operates the Robin Wright Ensemble, which is open to developing instrumental players of any age or ability. This group meets each Monday between 6.00 and 7.00p.m. before orchestra rehearsals and once players feel sufficiently confident, they join the orchestra.
In a typical year the orchestra performs a Mothers Day concert, a day time concert for students, staff and parents at Warrnambool Primary School, a day time performance in the foyer of the Warrnambool Base Hospital for patients, staff and visitors, a cabaret style concert and a concert specifically designed to be of appeal to children. Consideration is being given to mounting a workshop/concert involving young music students in a nearby outlying town.
The orchestra performs a mixed repertoire of classical and contemporary works and is always excited to perform new original works by local composers.
New players are always welcome. Please CONTACT US to express interest.

Become a Member
Current membership subs are
Full $90 p.a.
Student $45 p.a.
Family 50% of applicable rate/s,
Sessional $30
Payment can be made via EFT
Account name: Warrnambool Symphony Orchestra Inc
ANZ Bank BSB: 013-900
a/c Number: 318053559
Note: Include your name as a reference so our treasurer will know who has made the payment
Members looking for music Repository or Rehearsal Schedule please email us for links